Monday, June 20, 2005
Opening Day
I can't believe I've joined in with this phenomenon. For the longest time I thought blogging was really about people who feel that others are interested in what they have to say. And now I don't think its about the blogger looking for attention as much as its the blogger's need for expression. For many years I've realized that putting words to a thought or concept has amazing power. I'm not sure what I'm hoping to get out of this.
About me...I'm 35, married, 2 kids, 1 au pair, 1 dad-in-the-basement, 3 cats, 1 dog, and a tadpole named Polie. The kids are 6 and 1 (yes, we really did want them that far apart) and the au pair from Japan is a great help. My dad lives has lived with us the past few years. Currently he is undergoing treatment for lung cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer. Chemo, radiation, and general doctor appointments take up much of my time right now.
Much of what I'll be talking about are politics and general human relations. My latest outrage is the upcoming renewal of the Patriot Act...the most unpatriotic act of Congress ever. The ACLU has some great information on this legislation Conservatives are also concerned about many provisions. To check out their perspective go to
Today's music: Arabic Groove
About me...I'm 35, married, 2 kids, 1 au pair, 1 dad-in-the-basement, 3 cats, 1 dog, and a tadpole named Polie. The kids are 6 and 1 (yes, we really did want them that far apart) and the au pair from Japan is a great help. My dad lives has lived with us the past few years. Currently he is undergoing treatment for lung cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer. Chemo, radiation, and general doctor appointments take up much of my time right now.
Much of what I'll be talking about are politics and general human relations. My latest outrage is the upcoming renewal of the Patriot Act...the most unpatriotic act of Congress ever. The ACLU has some great information on this legislation Conservatives are also concerned about many provisions. To check out their perspective go to
Today's music: Arabic Groove