Thursday, January 10, 2008

Homeschooler for Obama

Notice I didn't say homeschoolerS?

Much has been made about the media deciding, perhaps with help from the Evil Empire (HSLDA), that all homeschoolers are for the Southern Baptist minister. I hate even typing his name.

The thinking is that homeschoolers = right wing religious nutjob. Given that 20-30% of homeschoolers are now considered “non-religious” I find that to be an incredible act of ignorance on the part of the media.

Anyway, I’m fully behind the candidacy of Barak Obama. It is my belief, that of the current democratic candidates, he is the only one that will pursue a progressive agenda AND can get elected.

His plans for health care, education (funding No Child Left Behind) and Iraq (get the troops out in less than two years) are spelled out on his website While I may be a homeschoolers who is partly homeschooling because I think NCLB is a load of poor pedagogy, it WAS an unfunded program and well funded universal education is a boon for our entire country.

What's your take on the other candidates? I'm liking Obama, Kucinich, McCain and Ron Paul right now... (Although Ron Paul's supporters are beginning to get on my nerves). Huckabee scares the bejeesus out of me. (Because of the bejeesus in him).
I am also supporting Obama, mainly because he is young enough not to be reliving the Vietnam war over and over again. Also, I believe he has the capacity to get all of us talking civilly to each other again.

And Huckabee scares me. He scares me because of his religious stances as well as his hypocrisy on the matter of homeschooling.
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