Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Well into our third year of homeschooling and we've become very comfortable with it.
The first year I homeschooled, I met a woman who shall remain nameless, who I wanted to be like.
She wasn't defensive or angry about her homeschooling (most of the people I met were in some way) She was different. Things didn't seem to work her up, she was comfortable with who she was and wasn't too perturbed by the crazys that were disrupting our group. That isn't to say that she didn't stand up to them...but they didn't bother her.

I'm like that now. Don't like that I homeschool? Eh...too bad. Oh my, there's a crazy in the group!! Be upfront and avoid unnecessary conflict. Run into another homeschooler that doesn't like how I homeschool? Handle said person like one of the nutjobs :)

We're enjoying Florida and just spent a weekend at Disney for homeschool days. Disney has an education program available to groups during the school year and sometimes they open it up to homeschoolers (so you don't have to go with a group). It was really fun.

Unpacking has moved further than anyone of our last two moves. I've found stuff that I haven't seen since 2002 when we moved to California! And we've been getting rid of stuff....since I haven't seen it in almost 6 years, odds are I don't NEED it.

We've sold the LaSalle house and we got an offer on NYE for our Chicago house. We're still negotiating with the buyers. It's been over 3 weeks. I think they've been watching/reading too much about this real estate crash and assumed that they could get the house for 30% below asking. See...prices aren't dropping all that fast anywhere...they're stagnant more often. Even in the areas where the market has really stalled, price drops have been in the 4% range. Why? Because the seller still has what the buyer wants, a house. And, for most people houses aren't commodities (meaning interchangable like pork bellies or a ton of steel). People fall in love with something like a location or layout...and the buyers have fallen in love with our house. The buyers also have their own website that we managed to find.

I remember the days when I fell in love with a house. It was like being a trembling love soaked teenager...wondering if we were going to live in the new house. Now, after 7 houses...eh..its four walls and a roof. I wonder if people who have been married 5+ times get that way about a new spouse?

It's funny. I've owned only three houses thus far--after many years of renting--and I've fallen in love with each house that I've owned. The first--well, it was the first--a small, but cozy house for me and the kids. The second? It was large and spectacular, because my new husband wanted that kind of house--but it was our first together, and I was excited about the kitchen. This one--we really fell in love with it together. It is both large enough and homey enough, and I have my own office.

If we move again, we'll build. So I guess we'll fall in love with the plans.

Maybe you'll be thinking I'm a hopeless home romantic!

Good luck on the ongoing Chicago house deal!
I loved each of my first three houses...I didn't pick out the next two (DH went ahead and found them) and the last two we found together.

The last two have been brand new construction spec houses so we've not customized them much in terms of layout (we did get to pick colors and such).

DH and I were talking about the next house (Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior, thanks Dr. Phil!) and how this time we'd have it built..probably get our own architect and put in things that we've liked about all the other houses.

And, good news tonight, we have a signed contract and close 2/11/2008. So we're going from owning 3 houses at the beginning of December to 1 house by the end of February. THANK GOODNESS!
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