Sunday, January 20, 2008

Yet Another Reason I Homeschool

"I believe in the separation of church and state, but I also believe there is important information available on both sides of [evolution]," he said. "To present it in just one way is wrong."
- David Owens, Clay County School Superintendent

“The theory of evolution has many "holes" in it and is certainly contrary to the beliefs of many people, including myself."
- Nassau County Superintendent John Ruis

These quotes come from a recent local newspaper article quoting several local educators. I knew this area was pretty South Georgia but.....DAMN!

Denying evolution is just scary dumb.

It’s like arguing that gravity doesn’t point down.

It’s like saying lasers can’t exist because nothing in the Bible says that light is a particle or a wave.

Evolution is a fundamental way of understanding the biological sciences. Every anti-evolution person I’ve met is ignorant of basic science and the science of evolution. The men quoted above are educators who guide the education of thousands of children and they choose mythology over scientific fact. And in many cases, they don’t understand their own mythology enough to build a consistent case.

What part of evolution are they denying? I’ve heard anti-science people deny the existence of dinosaurs, the speed of light, and geologic wonders like the Grand Canyon took more than 5000 years to happen. You want holes? Let’s talk Biblical Creationism.

- Why are there TWO accounts of creation, back to back, in the Bible?
- Science shows the earth is far older than the 5000+ years counted in the Bible. Why is that?
- What about other creation myths? What makes the Judeo Christian myth better?

These men are crippling their students. The idea that science is a ‘belief’ is mind boggling to me and the idea that a man who says this publically is an influential educator scares me to no end.

Stuff like this is a big reason the rest of the world calls us ‘dumb Americans’ We should make fun of these anti-science morons too and not give them positions of influence in our educational system.

In closing I'd like to address Mr. Owen's claim that schools should teach more than one theory about earth's creation. Since he wants ALL sides represented, I propose that we limit the creation myths taught to those with over a million followers OR those that have been around for more than 3000 years. That should cut the number down to around a dozen.

[poltergeist]Come to the west coast... there is rational intelligence on the west coast...[/poltergeist]
Believe it or not, a school system in which I once taught biology now has some reactionary Christians on the school board who want "equal time" for creationism in the guise of the Behe nonsense about intelligent design. The science faculty in the district have been holding their own about this, but still.

I say teach creationism in a Bible as Literature class or a mythology class, if you want, but it is NOT science and all of the cries and protests about equal time will not make it so.
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