Monday, July 21, 2008

Why I Drink

Yeah, its been awhile. We went 'home' for vacation and it was a death march of obligation and guilt compounded by living in a hotel for a week.

The whole thing just depressed me so much (friends just not happy for us, not enough sun, and OMG family) that I spiralled for a while until I got a week off. Number One went to a day camp for a week out of town that I took him to while Number Two went to his local preschool full time for the week.

I was actually sans children for 5 days at 8 hours at a time. That's not happened in...well...ever. It was remarkable how it picked me up emotionally.

So...why do I drink? Tonight I was making dinner using a bottle of red wine..poured myself a glass to enjoy while I cooked. While my back was turned Josh asked me to peel him an orange (clementine really) and I told him to put it on the counter...

See where he put it?

sangria :)
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