Monday, October 20, 2008

Stories from Canvassing for Obama this Weekend

I spent a good part of Saturday and Sunday wandering around the Westside, clipboard and list in hand, knocking on doors for Senator Obama. I saw a part of America that I knew existed in the abstract but encountering was something else.

S. was my first walking partner. Retired, he's been a regular volunteer at the campaign headquarters. His son just went back to Iraq for the third time. S. is scared and angry. A Vietnam vet, he's angry that its been three times and if McCain wins, many more times after that. His son's daughter is stressed and crying all the time.

People are very worried their votes won't count (I live in Florida). Several people asked what we were doing to make sure their votes don't get thrown out. They don't trust their government. They think we're a banana republic.

Noticed a man hauling lots of garbage outside of a townhome. I stopped to ask him if he was renovating and he said, "The bank hires me to clean out houses." Jose* currently works 7 days a week. The hardest part? Packing up the kids' rooms during an eviction. Jose told me about the crying and begging from families who have no place to go. He's hoping Obama wins because right now his job is 'hurting his heart' so much.

My final story will be about a man who works for the local utility. In his mid 30's, Tim has been working at his job for 3 years. Him and his wife bought their home 2 years ago. It has always been that people do NOT get laid off from this company...they just let go almost 300 people last week. Given his lack of seniority, Tim is very concerned that he'll be in the next wave of layoffs which are expected to come some time between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Our investments have taken a hit...but Bri's job is secure and we'll be OK even if McCain gets elected. But this weekend brought home to me how many people have day to day lives that depend on the outcome of this election.

If you support Senator Obama, volunteer. We need to do more than just vote in this election, especially if you live in a swing state. And if they offer you the opportunity to go out canvassing? Take it. Meeting people and hearing their stories can really give you an idea how important this election is.

* Names have been changed to protect privacy but the stories are true

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